Try Therapy
Aug 10, 2023
Hey Besties!
We've loved connecting with y'all through our podcast, Back Porch Bestie. We're so grateful for all the positive responses we've received, especially those of you who are interested in going to therapy for the first time. We've even gotten messages from a few who would like to work with us and our team at Mindsight Behavioral Group.
If you live within the state of Kentucky and are looking for a therapist, my team and I are happy to help you get connected. Our group practice serves general mental health needs, and specializes in trauma and LGBTQ+ needs.
As you may know from listening to the podcast, my own mental health journey has been hugely impactful for me. There are a few key ways it's helped me, and I wanted to share those with you. If you're on the fence, here are three reasons to go to therapy.
Uncover Your Truest Self
It's easy to lose sight of who we really are. When I was young, I was creative and bold and outgoing. I had all these dreams for the future. Somewhere along the way, I set some of those things aside, but I never stopped loving them. They're part of me. Part of my journey in therapy was uncovering those parts of myself that I left behind as I grew up and collected adult responsibilities.
Therapy offers a safe and non-judgmental space to explore your core identity. Get to know your strengths, remember your passions, uncover memories of your childhood. These are good, healthy things, and they can be incredibly freeing and empowering.
Understand Your Patterns of Behavior
Have you ever asked yourself "Why do I keep doing that?" Have you ever felt trapped by your decisions? Part of that is a result of your patterns of behavior. We all have them. You might date the same type of person over and over. You might take the same sorts of financial risks. You may be triggered by something in your family life that causes you to feel a certain way.
Understanding these patterns of behavior is important! It can help you learn why you do the things you do. It can help you stop doing the things that are unhealthy. It can also help you learn to give yourself grace. It all starts with understanding, and a therapist to help you unravel everything.
Make Meaning of Your Past
Some people have the idea that therapy is just lying on a couch and talking. When you pause for breath, the therapist asks you, "How do you feel about that?" and then you talk again until time is up. But that isn't even the half of it!
A good therapist listens to your story, but they don't stop there. They help you find connections, understand your patterns, and then challenge you with that information. When you have that understanding of yourself, you can then attribute meaning. You see where you've been, and suddenly, where you are now is so much clearer. You can then choose where you want to go in the future. So you can be successful — whatever that looks like for you.
If you're considering taking the next step on your therapy journey, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can schedule an appointment with my practice by calling 606-401-2966 or visiting our website at At Mindsight Behavioral, we're committed to providing a welcoming environment where you can grow and thrive.
But if you're not in Kentucky, there are TONS of great practices out there who can serve you well. Look around and find one that works for you.
Next Steps
- Reach out to Mindsight by calling 606-401-2966 or visiting our website at
- Pre-order my new book, all about my therapy journey and what to do if you've been searching for something all your life — In Search Of You: How To Find Joy When Doing More Isn't Doing It Anymore, coming March 2024!
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