Does Over-Working Impact Your Mental Health? Jun 29, 2023

Am I overworking?

In today's fast-paced world, it's almost like overworking is encouraged. People wear it as a badge of honor. They're "girl-bossing" or "adulting really hard." Some shun the idea of balance in favor of #hustle. But where is that line between "get it done" and "this is too much?"


Your Goal vs Your Purpose Oct 28, 2021

 “The goal of my business is to help people,” said one sweet, but very tired-looking lady  on a virtual Q&A session. 

“My goal is to make an impact,” said a zealous nurse practitioner who was oozing warmth and fuzzies in a webinar. 

I get this a lot. Everywhere I turn, healthcare entrepreneurs are...

You Are Enough: Work & Home Jul 26, 2021

Everything happens for a reason. 

Do you believe that? 

Most days I do, but somedays I don't. Some days I believe things happen because we're not paying attention, or we make a bad decision, or for no reason at all. Some days I believe that the only reason in this world is a lack of reason. Things...

Should You Ditch Your To-Do List? Jun 17, 2021

|By Tara Vossenkemper, Ph.D.

Have you ever felt confused by your business? Or by how to think about your business? Or what to do next within your business? A better question might be this: have you ever felt confused about where to focus within your business to get out of the overwhelm?

Let’s assu...

Plan, Build, and Launch an Irresistible Offer as a Counselor | Kasey Writes, 12/500 Jun 03, 2021

When I started graduate school in 2007 I knew that owning a private practice was part of the end goal for me. What I didn’t know was the process of creating and growing businesses would ultimately become such an important part of my life. 

In 2009 I finished grad school and immediately opened a pri...

Unpack Your Kitchen. Level Up Your Business. | Kasey Writes Day 11 May 27, 2021

I’ve been told by a number of particularly nasty misogynists that I need to go back to the kitchen because that’s where women belong. I don’t make a habit of listening to misogynists, but I will say, one of the most profound and impactful epiphanies for my business came as a direct result of going b...

3 Pandemic Practices Your Business Should Keep | Kasey Writes Day 10 May 21, 2021

Doing business during a pandemic was a new experience for most entrepreneurs in the workforce. Many were forced to learn brand new systems and technology to keep their business afloat. Now, as the world begins to return to pre-pandemic practices, it has become increasingly apparent that some of the ...

Treat Culture Like A System May 20, 2021

| By Tara Vossenkemper, PhD

I’ve only worked a handful of jobs in my life. When I started at the restaurant, I was hired on the spot. It was a new store opening. I remember walking into the restaurant as it was gearing up for the grand opening and meeting a woman named Kim, the manager. I loved her...

Scale Your Business, Get a Shoe Rack | Kasey Writes Day 9 May 17, 2021

If anyone knows me well, they'd be the first to bring my dark and dirty secrets to light. Don't worry, my sweet, dear friends. I'll spare you the temptation and tell on myself this time. 

I'm messy. Okay, fine. I'm a little more than messy—I'm a little bit of a slob and maybe a tiny bit of a hoarde...

Healthcare Business Olympics Apr 16, 2021

Do you think your team could win the business Olympics?


Prompt: You are the coach and your team is losing an important game. Write a speech to motivate your team to a win.

I survey the field where the team works frantically. Sweat rolls off tiny faces as they perform their tasks in the hot summ...

The Alien Entrepreneur Apr 14, 2021

Prompt: An alien has just abducted you. Give three reasons why it would send you back to earth.

"Awe, look at those tentacles. And your eyes—they are as big around as cantaloupes," I say to the creature that just sucked me up into his forcefield. I can't be mad because he's so darn cute. He doesn't...

Message in a Bottle Apr 13, 2021

Backstory: Just last week, I flew to New Jersey to attend the Next Level Author workshop, hosted by Mike Michalowicz and AJ Harper. I stumbled upon a bookstore in which I got lost for nearly an hour. Not literally lost, but I couldn't stop looking, imagining, and soaking it all in. A journal called ...

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