Cornfields and Oak Trees Nov 30, 2021
I started working on another book the day I finished the first one. This one is about chasing shiny objects. It's about creating the space in our lives to see them for what they are, and choose the ones that serve us, and let go of the ones that don't.
The book came about for many...
You Deserve More Than Breadcrumbs Oct 25, 2021

Breadcrumbs. Some would define this as a series of connected pieces of information, while others might say it’s what’s leftover. 

Me? I’d go with the latter. 

The lonely princess ate the crumbs because someone told her she wasn’t enough—she didn’t...

Love YOU, First and Always Oct 01, 2021

My entire life, I have almost always had an answer. It might not have always been the right one, but I have had a response. 

But today, I didn't. 

"Do you love yourself?" she asked. 

I sat dumbfounded. There were no words. I could have rattled something off, but I wanted my...

Focus on Today Jul 28, 2021

Wanna know what I did this morning? 

Come on; I know you do. It's not like you're doing anything important, like work or something! 

Kidding. Just kidding. Seriously. 

I want to tell you what I did this morning because it's kind of a big deal. In the last two months, life has...

You Are Enough: Work & Home Jul 26, 2021

Everything happens for a reason. 

Do you believe that? 

Most days I do, but somedays I don't. Some days I believe things happen because we're not paying attention, or we make a bad decision, or for no reason at all. Some days I believe that the only reason in this world is a...

Plan, Build, and Launch an Irresistible Offer as a Counselor | Kasey Writes, 12/500 Jun 03, 2021

When I started graduate school in 2007 I knew that owning a private practice was part of the end goal for me. What I didn’t know was the process of creating and growing businesses would ultimately become such an important part of my life. 

In 2009 I finished grad school and immediately...

Scale Your Business, Get a Shoe Rack | Kasey Writes Day 9 May 17, 2021

If anyone knows me well, they'd be the first to bring my dark and dirty secrets to light. Don't worry, my sweet, dear friends. I'll spare you the temptation and tell on myself this time. 

I'm messy. Okay, fine. I'm a little more than messy—I'm a little bit of a slob and maybe a tiny...

Entrepreneur: Assume Risk, Not Responsibility | Day 8/500 Apr 27, 2021

We all have something we want to do. The most successful entrepreneurs can inventory their strengths and fill in the gaps with far more gifted people in identified areas. The most successful are the ones that understand the value of their time and hand over tasks that do not justify the "expense"...

Feeling Small In A Big World | Day 6/500 Apr 20, 2021

Day 6/500

Writing Prompt: What in this world makes you feel so small? What are you in awe of? 


Four years later, I can't even remember why. 

I had owned my business for an entire year, and we were finally starting to see a little money from our exhausting efforts. The...

Excuses and Brags | Day 5/500 Apr 19, 2021

Prompt: What do you always have an excuse for? 

This weekend I read the book, Brag Better by Meredith Fineman. I listened to it, actually, with my eleven-year-old daughter riding in the back seat. We were on the way to Suntan City so I could get a spray tan. 


The Alien Entrepreneur Apr 14, 2021

Prompt: An alien has just abducted you. Give three reasons why it would send you back to earth.

"Awe, look at those tentacles. And your eyes—they are as big around as cantaloupes," I say to the creature that just sucked me up into his forcefield. I can't be mad because he's so darn cute. He...