Your Goal vs Your Purpose Oct 28, 2021

 “The goal of my business is to help people,” said one sweet, but very tired-looking lady  on a virtual Q&A session. 

“My goal is to make an impact,” said a zealous nurse practitioner who was oozing warmth and fuzzies in a webinar. 

I get this a lot. Everywhere I turn, healthcare entrepreneurs are...

Profit = A Healthy Business May 06, 2021

| By Tara Vossenkemper, PhD, LPC


I’m not a naturally business-minded person. I wasn’t raised in an entrepreneurial family. I didn’t grow up around people who talked gross and profit. I didn’t know anybody who owned their own business. I didn’t major or minor in business. My family wasn’t especia...

Setting Limits in Your Life | Day 7/500 Apr 23, 2021

Your heart is racing, your chest is tight, and you can't ever seem to catch a full breath. You tell yourself if you could only get to the office earlier, before everyone else, you would get caught up. If you could just skip lunch and stay an extra hour, you'd be able to sleep better. Your issues are...

The Alien Entrepreneur Apr 14, 2021

Prompt: An alien has just abducted you. Give three reasons why it would send you back to earth.

"Awe, look at those tentacles. And your eyes—they are as big around as cantaloupes," I say to the creature that just sucked me up into his forcefield. I can't be mad because he's so darn cute. He doesn't...