If you know me, you probably know I've made a mention or two about Kentucky bourbon. It took me a while to acquire a taste for it, and I think a big part of that was my appreciation for how it is made. Patiently.
In 2020 I wrote a book called Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers. I hired...
There's so much I want to do.
Like writing in a journal with my pen to the page, letting the words roll straight from my heart, and landing right here permanently with ink.
I want to write because I haven't found the space to do so for a while. I want to remember how sometimes, most...
I’ve been told by a number of particularly nasty misogynists that I need to go back to the kitchen because that’s where women belong. I don’t make a habit of listening to misogynists, but I will say, one of the most profound and impactful epiphanies for my business came as a...
Backstory: Just last week, I flew to New Jersey to attend the Next Level Author workshop, hosted by Mike Michalowicz and AJ Harper. I stumbled upon a bookstore in which I got lost for nearly an hour. Not literally lost, but I couldn't stop looking, imagining, and soaking it all in. A journal...